Pluto in 2025: 0-3° Aquarius

This year, Pluto will be covering the early degrees of Aquarius, just beginning the work it will take over 20 years to complete.

The general and collective experience of Pluto in Aquarius might be: Who is ‘in’ and who is ‘out’? Who decides that? How do you feel when the outcasts are now part of society?  Who holds power in a collective society that is composed of individuals? What’s the difference between a mob and a movement? Do we have the courage to individuate, be different from the crowd and accept what that means for us in our friend group, or on social media?  What do you ‘get’ when you feel validated by the group? How do you react when you’re rejected by it?

AI image via Ideogram: view of deep space with a woman in a high heeled space suit, cinematic, illustration

For the sphere of life you might find this happening in, scroll down to read your sun or rising sign, or to check in on how you might navigate and make the most of this transit, book a discovery call with me. I offer individual sessions as well as coaching packages to support and facilitate you in whatever you might be going through.

Pluto: 0-3° Aquarius (will remain in Aquarius, slowly moving forward until 2043)

You will feel these influences most if you have planets or points in the early degrees of the:  

  • Air signs (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) (Birthdays: Jan 20-23, May 21-24, Sep 23-26)
  • Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) (Birthdays: Apr 20-23, Jul 23-26, Oct 24-27)

While this is going to be a collective influence, and something that is transformative for all of society, everyone with planets or placements in the early degrees of Aquarius, will feel this directly. Pluto transits can be very challenging when they are transiting very personal planets or points (Sun, Moon, Ascendant), but the suffering that a Pluto transit brings is usually not from the new story that is being ushered in….it’s from our attachment to something that will no longer be part of our lives.

For anyone touched by this transit by way of a personal planet or point, you can expect a fundamental and permanent change to your basic identity. You’ll become more in touch with the qualities of the planet or point that Pluto is transiting and be given the opportunity to discard what has become an obstacle to your evolution and becoming more of yourself. If you’ve been out of touch with the sphere of life symbolized by Pluto, you’ll have a chance to reconnect and develop that aspect of yourself. If you’re already engaged with that part of your identity, you’ll have the opportunity to refine or deepen that expression. Pluto has a way of bringing up from the unconscious what we have worked really hard to bury or conceal, so shadow work is appropriate at this time. Other ways that Pluto might show up is through the loss of something that was fundamental to our identity, something we’ve become overly identified with will be removed so that you can develop other aspects of yourself.

Key themes of Pluto

Death and rebirth. The urge to change and evolve, to fulfill cosmic or soul purpose. Expressions of this can be: obsessive, powerful, purgative, transformative, denied, repressed, tyranny, domination. There is a necessity to let go that can be resisted with equal necessity. The key is to let go and let something die.

Key themes of Aquarius

Sustaining the needs of the group. Seeking perfection in society. Loves the people but has a distaste for what is human. Prefers theory and philosophy of the utopia so much that it can be impossible to translate it into something that is actual better for humanity. There can be difficulty in feeling and expression of the heart rather than the mind.

Symbol: Ganymedes – was abducted by Zeus (who did not love humanity but found this boy so appealing he had to have him) and made to serve as cupbearer to the Gods on Mount Olympus. He was taken, separated and raised above his fellow humans because he was special and chosen.

Aries (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 11th

Pluto in Aquarius will be bringing change to your long range goals and your hopes for the future. Your friend groups will change and you’ll seek out people who will bring you intense encounters, friendships will no longer be the casual encounters that you’re used to. You may become associated with a group or movement that has intentions to reform society in some way and be careful to avoid ruthless people or the potential to become ruthless yourself. You’re just beginning the work of transforming yourself through friendships and regenerating your goals and the test will be to find your path using strategic alliances and clearly defined goals.

Taurus (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 10th

Your 10th house of career and your public image will be undergoing dramatic and intense change, Taurus. You will strive to achieve more than you ever have before. If you’re secure in yourself and what you do to succeed in the world you’ll reach new heights. However, if your changing values are not reflected in what you’re known for, and how you declare yourself to the public, you may be encouraged to develop your integrity through changes in your career and work. Although your desire to take control and dominate might be emerging, consider how to pursue your goals without being ruthless or domineering. Your life direction is being altered and you don’t need to fall prey to the small version of yourself that can only see success or failure. Let yourself become empowered by ensuring that your inner integrity is showing up in your outer world.

Gemini (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 9th

You’re tasked with revisioning the architecture of your belief system. Old ideas and frameworks for your everyday life will fall away, leaving you with the power to explore, expand and gain a greater freedom of perspective on everything that guides you. Be honest with yourself in how you are maintaining a belief system that no longer serves you and if you find yourself feeling bored, or thinking in a dogmatic way talk to someone who can help you reframe what is guiding you in life. Your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is going to be a sense of awe and wonder that you might have never known, or forgotten was possible. It will be worth every moment.

Cancer (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 8th

Any transit to the 8th house will bring a deep and fundamental change to how we are interpreting life, but Pluto in this place will challenge everything that is keeping you from growing into a deeper, more grounded and powerful version of yourself. You’ve been tasked with integrating the deepest shadows and stuff of life that you’d rather not deal with. This is a period of intense psychological housecleaning and you will be meeting the source material of how you’ve framed your view and approach to the world. If you resist, deny or fall into fear around meeting this version of yourself you might find yourself depressed and in a state of emotional stagnation. If this occurs, don’t despair and definitely don’t retreat to a deeper cave. Face the opportunity of realigning your personality with it’s roots in your unconscious mind with courage; there is a deeply fulfilled version of yourself waiting to be born into the world.

Leo (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 7th

Any patterns of addiction to another person followed by loss of self are past their expiry date. Your mission for the next 20 years is to redefine what it means to be in relationship with another person. Your relationships will all change, especially your closest partners will undergo significant transformation. However, don’t be fooled. Although this transformation is going to be seen as happening through ‘the other’, it’s actually happening through you, and all of how you relate to the world is becoming deeper and more personal than ever before. If you haven’t embarked on a therapeutic process yet, this is a powerful time to work with someone who can help you make these significant changes. The fly in the ointment might be power struggles, so do everything you can to avoid becoming involved in conflict. (Don’t avoid conflict – look for the roots of what is driving it within yourself because if you get attached to any sense of power or control you’re not likely to win). The gold in this transit is for you to recognize your role and how you contribute to everything that comes through relationship; everything is a reflection of you.

Virgo (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 6th

This is a transit that will bring change to your health and how you treat your body. Physical conditions may reach a tipping point at this time that will cause you to seek treatment and can even provide complete physical regeneration. Adopting an approach to your health that will bring you to the root cause of your symptoms is possible in this period, but beware of an all or nothing approach and recognize that everything you do is contributing to your sense of health or dis-ease. There is the opportunity to unravel habits that are not productive to your well-being as well as initiate a new approach to life through regimens and diets that are specifically good for you. You’re being encouraged to look at not only diet and lifestyle but also at the more subtle influences on our health that come from our everyday activities. Everything you preform on a daily basis is under revision and you will ultimately attain an integrity of health through aligning your everyday choices with what makes you feel whole and good. Read my post on whole health here.

Libra (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 5th

Your relationship to fun and recreation is undergoing irreversible changes. Your challenge will be to have fateful experiences with children and acts of creativity that will bring out your desire for life. Superficial experiences will not be attractive and your creative self expression will tell the story of this. The source of this resurgence could be intense love affairs that are enjoyed for the pleasure they bring, or a feeling of youth and playfulness. These may also feel fated but beware the loss of self that might come through childish dramas or power plays that come from the seemingly innocent idea that something was ‘meant to be’. The energy that fuels your desire for life is getting revamped – celebrate yourself but beware the ego trip that will overshadow your newfound sense of pleasure and spontaneity; this transit is going to remind you that life can be a game we want to play.

Scorpio (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 4th

You’re undergoing a gut job of your foundational experience on every level. This transit can bring renovations or other major changes to the home and family, or will invite you to revisit experiences from your childhood home and family that have been imprinted on your psyche. It’s time to change your relationship to your parents and your roots and to clear the ground for a new sense of belonging. Your origins may have given rise to who you are today, but they are only the starting point for your experience of life, and they no longer define you. Allow yourself to feel your way through the challenge of attuning to the roots of your self awareness and the experience of letting go of what was once your security and bedrock; the gift of this transit is the emergence of your deepest self as what grounds you.

Sagittarius (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 3rd

The way you engage with your everyday world, neighborhood and siblings is undergoing a deep change. Your style of communicating or relating to your immediate environment may take on a heavier tone and routine things are no longer frivolous or superficial. The third house is the place of exchanging with our environment, and you’ll become aware of the deeper dimensions of information that are available to us if we care to look. You might become interested in occult studies, psychology or yoga, all these disciplines are requiring that we look at our everyday world with new eyes in order to connect with an underlying truth or reality. Because Pluto is doing it’s thing, there may be power struggles that happen in this area of life but as long as you’re striving to gain a new perspective on your everyday world, you’ll gain the ability to navigate it with more depth and understanding of all it’s moving parts.

Capricorn (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 2nd

The 2nd house is the place of earnings and material possessions. It’s inextricably linked to our identity and our self esteem; the higher we value ourselves and our talents or natural abilities, the more likely we are to translate that into ‘success’. If we look beyond money, then the 2nd place is about securing our identity in the world, having ‘enough’ to be ourselves, and so in this sense, the 2nd house is more about values than money and this is what has begun receiving the transformative gifts of Pluto. Given that Aquarius is an air sign, you might be feeling stifled by all of your possessions, recognizing that they’re a drain on your energy and feel moved to adopt a more minimalist lifestyle, changing your values to favor freedom and space over property and material things. However, it is unlikely that your resources and financial picture will not undergo deep changes as well. Your sources of income may change or fluctuate, but this is also a reflection of your inner value system changing; the gift of this transit is to give you more of what sustains you and gives you confidence and conviction and less of what keeps you retreating or stuck in the past.

Aquarius (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 1st

Your personality and the way that you step out into the world is undergoing powerful changes now, Aquarius. There will be no mercy in uncovering aspects of your personality that are no longer in service to you and you’ll gain greater freedom from seeing the unconscious tendencies you have in your relationships and how you see the world. You may become obsessesed with self-improvement and may have a few hard knocks before you find the middle way between your will and the way of the world. Understanding yourself will be key in the process of dismantling and reforming your point of view about life and so it’s an excellent time to commit to a therapeutic process that will help you learn how to dissolve the identity. This is scary until you realize that the identity will just pop up again and again. When we learn that we can bring incremental change to our whole experience of life by allowing the identity to fall away and reform, we find great freedom everywhere in our life. If there’s any priceless gift that is worth the trials of Pluto for Aquarius, that may just be it!

Pisces (sun or rising) – Pluto transiting the 12th

Your unconscious will come alive during this transit and much of what you don’t want to recognize as part of you will emerge and insist on integration. This is place is known as the house of ‘secret enemies’, the reason being that if you’re unwilling to work with the rejected elements of your identity, they can only come out in the open in the form of the ‘other’. This is actually a place of deep healing and soul retrieval and the work of Pluto here will challenge you to be honest with elements of humanity, and of your own personality that you’ve been unable to integrate. Confronting hidden and rejected aspects of yourself, then accepting and forgiving them is the task that Pluto is bringing to you. Doing so dissolves the resistance that keeps you from being aligned and flowing with the cosmos and the the creator.

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Suzana is holistic counselor, homeopath and astrologer. She holds a multidimensional approach that supports the individual in their evolution of self and healing journey. Passionate about healing for over 30 years, she loves seeing the patterns of the universe and helping people integrate their experiences of the collective, transpersonal worlds into their daily lives. Book a discovery call to learn more and to ask about coaching packages:

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