As the Roman God of transitions, Janus has two faces: one that looks to the past while the other looks to the future. The month of January was named after him, and his feast day is January 1st. He represents the coming of a new year as well as the closing of the passing year.He holds the key to being present in a liminal space that is in constant evolution.
Can you get excited about this moment in time unfolding towards a destiny waiting to be discovered? Can you trust that you have everything you need to unlock the potential of that unfolding destiny and your own evolution? Are you ready to discern and be honest with yourself how your past experiences and expectations of life can be helping or hindering you to navigate new opportunities and challenges?
Whether these questions leave you feeling excited or full of dread, read on for ways to make the most of this magical time of the year.
2025 is a year of major transition. It’s not only the halfway point of a decade (the start of a decade always has a distinctly different vibe than the end of one), it’s the halfway point of a decade that opened with the Covid Era, which brought a massive shift in our consciousness around health as well as our sense of belonging in the collective.
The fact that there is so much movement among the outer planets into new signs emphasizes the theme of transition. Pluto is newly in Aquarius to stay since November and soon to follow will be sign changes of all the other outer planets (Neptune and Uranus) as well as the social planets (Saturn and Jupiter) AND the lunar nodes. These are all astrological influences that bring change over a period of a year or longer. The longer a planet is in a sign, the greater the potential and challenge to discover new ways of seeing and relating to the world. Outer planets introduce themes and experiences that are not only new to us as individuals, but new for the collective as well.
If you know your chart, you can scroll down to take a look to see where the planetary activity is happening for you. To book a “look ahead” or natal chart reading session with me, email me or book a free discovery call.
Janus holds the key
One of symbols of Janus is the key.
Keys require ingenuity and are tools we use to permit or deny passage. They’re linked to the boundaries we face (or create) and moving through them. Keys and solutions don’t come from the place of brute force required to push a boulder out of the way, or the persistence and stamina required to march or climb a mountain.
Imagine you’ve got a problem. You’ve got to sit tight for a little while to get to know ‘the lock’ (what is the problem, what is limiting or stopping you?). Once you understand the problem, you can then fashion a ‘solution’, discover the key for that particular thing.
Since keys can open or close things, we can use it to keep something locked, to unlock something beyond the world we know. In our everyday life, we use keys all the time to open doors, start the car. Keys are a powerful symbol of initiation and completion, even if we have become so jaded that we no longer see the magic in it.
(Another symbol and archetype that includes a key is Chiron, and that planetoid’s placement and mythology is literally the bridge from the material/known/dimension to the boundless realm of the imaginal/subtle/immaterial realm. I’ll be writing more about Chiron this year as I’ll be hitting my Chiron return and it’s conjunct my MC).
So, in the spirit of the Roman God Janus, what do you want to open and close the door to in 2025? I’ve listed a quick guide to the planets in 2025 provide an overview of the degrees that will be most affected as well as some journal prompts if you’re interested in doing some enquiry to help usher in the new year. (Keep in mind that oppositions and squares are major aspects, so it won’t only be 27° Pisces to 1° Aries that will feel the gentle, healing and often deceptive qualities of Neptune, but also 27° Virgo to 1° Libra as well as 27° Gemini to 1° Cancer and 27° Sagittarius to 1° Capricorn.
A quick guide to the planets in 2025
If you have planets or points on or near any of the degrees listed below you’ll be feeling that planetary energy first hand in your life this year.
Pluto: 0-3° Aquarius (will remain in Aquarius until 2043)
Neptune: 27° Pisces – 1° Aries (In Pisces from Jan-Mar) (In Aries from Apr-Oct) (Back in Pisces from Oct-Jan 2026)
Uranus: 23° Taurus – 1° Gemini (In Taurus from Jan-Jul) (In Gemini from Jul-Nov) (Back in Taurus until Apr 2026)
Chiron: 19°-27°Aries(Direct in Aries from Jan-Jul where he will cover 19°-27°, then Rx from Aug-Dec from 27°-22°)
Saturn: 14° Pisces – 1° Aries (In Pisces from Jan-May) (In Aries from May-Sept) (Back in Pisces from Sept-Feb 2026)
Jupiter: 13° Gemini – 21° Cancer (In Gemini from Jan-Jun) (In Cancer from Jun 2025-Jul 2026)
Mars: 1° Leo – 11° Capricorn (Rx in Leo, then Cancer and Direct at 17° Cancer in February)
Venus: 27° Aquarius – 7° Capricorn (Retrograde from 10° Aries in March to 24° Pisces in April)
Mercury (Rx from 9° Aries – 26 Pisces Mar-Apr) (Rx from 15°-4° Leo Jul-Aug) (Rx from 6°Sagittarius-20° Scorpio)
Lunar Nodes: 1°Aries/Libra – 12°Pisces/Virgo (Eclipses at 23° Virgo Mar 14, 9° Aries Mar 29, 15° Sept 7, 29° Virgo Sept 21)
Here are some enquiry and reflection points that could be helpful as we move into 2025.
These are for everyone, but I’ve indicated signs and placements that might use these reflections to help transition out of 2024.
Journal prompts and reflections
What is the karma that has been dissolving since the summer of 2023?
What will my life look like if I can move away from relationshIp patterns that undermine my autonomy? Do i have trouble acting in my own interests in relationship? What will my life look like if I can trust that I’ll be accepted for who I am?
What is the life that I’m imagining for myself and how can I translate my dreams into reality? How can I stay grounded and aligned with my vision for life without becoming disillusioned or disappointed with the reality of the world? How can I develop the discipline and continuity required to build my vision?
What have I been avoiding because I don’t have the courage to act? How do I feel and react when change happens? When is it ok to let go of what no longer serves you and how do you do that?
Stepping into new potential
It’s the work and the art of being alive to keep moving with the shifting currents of the world around us, and 2025 is going to start opening us up to a very, very different world. Think about how you can hold a gentle acceptance of what has brought us to this moment along with an open heart and a willingness towards aligning with your wishes and goals as well as those that fate will bring in your New Year’s resolution this year. In my work with clients, I sometimes use ‘permission slips’ to facilitate what feels out of bounds or totally off limits. These are helpful if there’s something you feel resistant to (or desirous of) but feel like it’s not allowed: try granting yourself a permission slip to see if it will encourage you to try new ways of being.
This year, think of Janus before you step through the door and bring my best wishes for you in 2025 💫
- Know that change is constant and that everything you’ve experienced has prepared you for this moment
- Be brave when discarding old ideas. If they’re good and useful, they’ll come back and if not, there will always be another one.
- Remember that YOU are the embodiment of love that acting across time and space.
- The universe has your back (even in moments when you’ve forgotten or lost faith in your divine nature).
Suzana is holistic counselor, homeopath and astrologer. She holds a multidimensional approach that supports the individual in their evolution of self and healing journey. Passionate about healing for over 30 years, she loves seeing the patterns of the universe and helping people integrate their experiences of the collective, transpersonal worlds into their daily lives. Book a discovery call to learn more and to ask about coaching packages: